VRML Park :: Interactive 3D desktop environment(Personal, 2001) Interaction design, 3D modelling and animation, VRML programming, FlashVRML Park is an amusement park, in which you can click any of the rides and thus mount them. It was my first major interactive multimedia project, developed in 3D Studio Max and VRML.
Technical caveat: VRML Park requires a VRML Plug-In. You may need a PC with CosmoPlayer installed to view. This was the configuration I used to create it, but CosmoPlayer has not been supported for several years now, and does not have a Mac OS-X version. You can try cortona to view it on a Mac OS-X, but it might not work...
Got it all? Now, enter VRML Park.
No VRML? Click on the image on the right to view an animated movie.
Screen shot Click on the image to launch a non-interactive animation of the park. |